The kind of bouquet to brighten anyone's day! Think sunflowers, poppies, sunshine and rainbows - that kinda thing.
Beautifully and thoughtfully crafted, using a mix of seasonal fresh flowers, foliages - trust us to create something that is beautiful and unique.
If you know the recipient's favourite flowers or colours, be sure to mention it in notes at checkout - while we can't always guarantee your request, we will get as close as possible!
Your bouquet is then wrapped in our signature eco friendly wrapping. From the paper to the natural tie, to the biodegradable cellulose bag and even the sticky tape - just repurpose your ribbon! We are not perfect, but are always looking for ideas and solutions to reduce waste and minimize single use plastics.
When creating your bouquet, we take into consideration the occasion and recipient to tailor your order. If you are after something more specific, please add in notes at checkout or call the studio on 0411862552.